Palmetto Club’s Past Presidents Club
is proud to announce that a 4th scholarship will be awarded in May funded by the Past Presidents.
Shown left to right first row then second row.
Terri Marusa, Gail Wootten, Gerry Voynovich, Andrea Pair, Josie Riedel and Janet Potter. The scholarship will be offered at Spruce Creek High and will be available for a male or female student.
As president of the 130 year Palmetto Club I miss seeing all our regular guests and miss the many celebrations at the Club. Due to COVID19 we have no income. The members of the Palmetto Club own the building and we still have operating expenses. We have trimmed our expenses as much as we possible. We don’t qualify for any help from the Cares Act because the Palmetto Club is an all volunteer organization, we have no paid employees. We need your help. Please send a donation to this wonderful 501C(3) organization. Make your check payable to the Palmetto Club and send it to The Palmetto Club 1000 S. Beach Street Daytona Beach, FL 32114. Include your information and you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.
We appreciate your support. Together we will get through this. Stay safe.
As you leave to come to The Palmetto Club…. Do Not Forget the charities we support year round: Halifax Urban Ministries; Halifax Humane Society; and The Palmetto House (aka Mid-Florida Housing Partnership). Contributions to all these worthwhile organizations slow in the summer months … let’s do our share to “Catch Up”. For HUM, we collect food for human consumption (canned or packaged); for Halifax Humane, we collect animal food and linens (old towels, sheets, etc.) and for The Palmetto House, we collect “gently used” clothing, shoes, jewelry, or anything else you think would be helpful to individuals trying to get back on their feet and back into the working arena. Whatever you donate is greatly appreciated.
Our Theme
Butterfly Garden
"Why stay we on earth unless to grow"